Honeybees Love Geometry

While math isn’t easy for everyone, a new study found that honeybees are able to understand basic math, particularly geometry. The cells of a honeycomb start as circles, because bees understand that shape maximizes the smallest amount of surface space. Once the circles merge, they create the hexagon shape that makes up the honeycomb. Giving the honeybees the opportunity to store a lot more honey. Recent studies have also shown that bees are able to understand addition and subtraction if they are trained. Right now, the only animals with that ability are chimpanzees, spiders and African grey parrots. Pretty impressive, right? 

These cognitive skills show just how capable bees are of complex tasks. Overall the realization that honeybees can understand mathematical operations gives insight to future development of artificial intelligence and shows people that insects are smart, and honeybee’s in particular should get an “A+” on their next math exam!

Lori Walls